
D1.1       Literature review on EEWS and OEF communication strategies

D1.2       State-of-the-art review of current EEW/OEF/RRE systems and their application to DRR planning for improved community resilience to earthquake events

D1.3       Needs and expectations of citizens and first responders for the initial development of the TURNkey solutions and user-case scenarios

D1.4       A report on business centric use-case scenarios for CI and local business stakeholder groups

D1.5       Report on research protocols for the development of the EEW/OEF/RRE tools and models and TURNkey platform

D1.6       Report on the potential routes to impact for the Turnkey platform

D2.1       1st Report on management, TURNkey platform implementation, upgrades, and instrument deployment across TBs

D2.2       2nd Report on management, TURNkey platform implementation, upgrades, and instrument deployment across TBs

D2.3       Report on seismic ground motion and urban infrastructure monitoring systems across TBs

D2.4       3rd Report on management, TURNkey platform implementation, upgrades, and instrument deployment across TBs

D2.5       Report on the current state, transformation and systematization of urban infrastructure in TBs

D2.6       Revised use-cases for the FWCR platform version beta (PAR cycle 1)

D2.7       Report on TURNkey platform performance, simulation and validation

D2.8       Revised use-cases for the FWCR platform version 2.0 (PAR cycle 2)

D2.9       TB Management final report

D3.1       Report on the limits and potential applications of current state-of-theart OEF, EEW and RRE systems for European condition

D3.2       Online service and accompanying report on the rapid estimation of shaking using citizen information from smartphone apps

D3.3       Online service for the rapid estimation of shaking using citizen information from smartphone apps

D3.4       Software and accompanying report on developed improved procedure for OEF

D3.5       Software for improved procedure for OEF

D3.6       Online service and accompanying report on the use of citizen information from smartphone apps for rapid earthquake detection and location estimation

D3.7       Online service for use of citizen information from smartphone apps for rapid earthquake detection and location estimation

D3.8       Software and accompanying report on improved procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake shaking, including adjustment factors for local site effects

D3.9       Software for improved procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake shaking, including adjustment factors for local site effects

D3.10     Demonstrator and accompanying report of the estimation of seismic magnitude using citizen information from smartphone apps

D3.11     Demonstrator for the estimation of seismic magnitude using citizen information from smartphone apps

D3.12     Software and accompanying report on easy-to-understand maps of potential shaking

D3.13     Software for easy-to-understand maps of potential shaking

D4.1       Report on knowledge-based exposure modelling framework depending on the accuracy and completeness of available data

D4.2       Report on recommendations on fragility functions for buildings and infrastructure components to be used in a rapid response context

D4.3       Report on simplified models for the estimation of seismic functional and systemic losses

D4.4       Report on testing of automated tools and algorithms for the real-time damage detection of physical components

D4.5       Crisis website and accompanying report on the aggregation of in-situ citizen observations

D4.6       Crisis website on the aggregation of in-situ citizen observations

D4.7       Report on procedure for the characterization of the location of people after an earthquake

D4.8       Software and accompanying report on procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake losses

D4.9       Software for rapid mapping of earthquake losses

D5.1       Report on stakeholder performance metrics

D5.2       Report on community resilience and recovery models

D5.3       Algorithms and accompanying report for Decision Support System (DSS) for OEF and EEW

D5.4       Algorithms for Decision Support System (DSS) for OEF and EEW

D5.5       Algorithms and accompanying report for Decision Support System (DSS) for RRE

D5.6       Algorithms for Decision Support System (DSS) for RRE

D5.7       Report on protocols for response, emergency management, and safety communication

D6.1       Report on the development and integration of multi-sensor hardware and protocol for realtime data transmission from conventional networks to the Platform

D6.2       Report on integration of data from smartphone-based networks, online platform and social media

D6.3       Software Specification of the FWCR Components

D6.4       Software of the FWCR Components

D6.5       Report on the development of OEF, EEW and RRE modules and integration in the FWCR Platform

D6.6       Software FWCR Platform available and running

D6.7       Report on reactions to TURNkey prototype amongst citizens and first responders and recommendations further development and dissemination

D7.1       TURNkey project web portal

D7.2       Dissemination and Communication Plan

D7.3       1st Update of the Dissemination and Communication Plan and Quantitative Analysis of the Social Media Communication

D7.4       2nd Update of the Dissemination and Communication Plan and Quantitative Analysis of the Social Media Communication

D7.5       Quantitative Analysis of the Social Media Communication and Dissemination and Communication Plan

D7.6       Report about the demonstration in Alicante

D7.7       A model Business Continuity and Resilience Plan and Disaster Management Plan framework

D8.1       Consortium Agreement

D8.2       Project Management Plan

D8.3       Quality Procedures Manual

D8.4       Data Managment Plan

D8.5       1st Project Board Management Report

D8.6       1st Periodic Project Progress Report

D8.7       2nd Project Board Management Report

D8.8       2nd Periodic Project Progress Report

D8.9       3rd Project Board Management Report

D8.10     3rd Periodic Project Progress Report

D8.11     4th Project Board Management Report

D8.12     4th Periodic Project Progress Report

D8.13     5th Project Board Management Report

D8.14     Final Project Board Management Report

D8.15     Final Periodic Project Progress Report

D9.1       H – Requirement No. 1

D9.2       POPD – Requirement No.

D9.3       H – POPD – Requirement No. 3

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