TB-7 – Any earthquake affected area of Europe (even the world) – EMSC, UNIBG
Key stakeholders:
General public
The TB-7 is a non-geographically-based TB, as it focuses on widely-felt earthquakes at a global scale. The observation network is the combination of users of either LastQuake or Earthquake Network apps that will provide data to the TURNkey platform for EEW and RRE. TB-7 can guarantee this data as through its over 700.000 users it currently detect several thousands of widely-felt earthquakes annually, in comparison with the 50.000 located each year by the geographically-based EMSC network. As for any EEW system, the performances of crowdsourced systems strongly depend on the network’s characteristics. In TURNkey efforts on TB-7 will focus on increasing the number of the two apps in operation to improve detection capacity and rapidity as well as the real-time automatic estimation of their performances.
TB-7 – Worldwide: Distribution of LastQuake app users in the countries of the world as of August 2018.