WP7 – Exploitation, Dissemination, Communication

(Lead beneficiary: EUC) (M1-M36)


Work Package 7 (WP7) has the following objectives:

  1. To create awareness of the project results within the Civil Protection administrations and the Security organizations in the EU and abroad.
  2. To disseminate the existence and outcomes of the project to the academic and professional communities, and the general public at large.
  3. To engage stakeholders and general public with TURNkey.
  4. To prepare a set of best-practice manuals, training materials and demos to raise awareness amongst individuals and public/private organizations of the benefits of the TURNkey platform once the project is ended.
  5. To develop the strategic exploitation approach, including the definition/elaboration an appropriate business model that can support the potential exploitation of the project’s outcomes.

Description of the work

Work Package 7 (WP7) aims at making the results of TURNkey widely known amongst citizens, relevant stakeholders within the seismic and earthquake engineering industry, research community, Civil Protection administrations and the Security organizations in the EU and abroad. This WP also targets issues that are crucial to the exploitation of the project results and to the management of intellectual property. Furthermore, WP7 coordinates activities of all partners to ensure no efforts are duplicated or any stakeholder neglected.


Task 7.1: Dissemination and Communication Plan (Task lead: EUC) (M1-M36)

Task 7.2: Dissemination of the project results and networking with external projects, initiatives and experts (Task lead: EUC) (M1-M36)

Task 7.3: Business models for exploitation (Task lead: ARU) (M14-M30)

Task 7.4: Replication strategy and marketing material (Task lead: UA) (M24-M36)

Task 7.5: Intellectual Property Rights Management, Data Privacy (Task lead: BRGM) (M29-M36)


D7.1: TURNkey project web portal (Lead Beneficiary: EUC) (M4)

D7.2: Dissemination and Communication Plan (Lead Beneficiary: EUC) (M5)

D7.3: D7.4, D7.5: Update of the Dissemination and Communication Plan and Quantitative Analysis of the Social Media Communication (Lead Beneficiary: EUC) (M12, M24, M36)

D7.6: Report about the demonstration in Alicante (Lead Beneficiary: UA) (M36)

D7.7: A model Business Continuity and Resilience Plan and Disaster Management Plan framework (Lead Beneficiary: ARU) (M36)

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