
Below is the list of downloadable public deliverables produced within the TURNkey project. For a complete list of the deliverables of each WP, please click here.

WP3 – Assessment of ground motions before, during and after an earthquake

D3.1: Report on the limits and potential applications of current state-of-the-art OEF, EEW and RRE systems for European conditions (Lead Beneficiary: UStr)

D3.2: Online service and accompanying report on the rapid estimation of shaking using citizen information from smartphone apps (EEW) (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.3: Online service for the rapid estimation of shaking using citizen information from smartphone apps (EEW) (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.4: Software and accompanying report on developed improved procedure for OEF  (Lead Beneficiary: INFP)

D3.6: Online service and accompanying report on the use of citizen information from smartphone apps for rapid earthquake  (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.7: Online service for use of citizen information from smartphone apps for rapid earthquake detection and location  (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.8: Software and accompanying report on improved procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake shaking  (Lead Beneficiary: BRGM)

D3.9: Software for improved procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake shaking, including adjustment factors for local site effects (RRE) (Lead Beneficiary: BRGM)

D3.10: Demonstrator and accompanying report of the estimation of seismic magnitude using citizen information from smartphone apps (EEW) – (Joint Deliverable with RISE project) (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.11: Demonstrator for the estimation of seismic magnitude using citizen information from smartphone apps (EEW) – (Joint Deliverable with RISE project) (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC)

D3.12: Software and accompanying report on easy-to-understand maps of potential shaking (OEF, EEW and RRE) (Lead Beneficiary: KNMI)

WP8 – Project and Consortium Management

D8.4: Data Management Plan (Lead Beneficiary: NOR)