WP1 – Socio-Economic Impact Analysis Among the End-Users Group

(Lead beneficiary: ARU) (M1-M12)



The aim of Work Package 1 (WP1) is to develop and validate a robust social and economic research methodology that guides the socioeconomic impact analysis of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW), Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF) and Rapid Response to Earthquake (RRE) systems and demonstrates how the systems will improve community resilience to earthquakes across Europe.

Description of the work

The activities of Work Package 1 (WP1) are listed below:

  • Critically review approaches to earthquake disaster risk reduction (DRR) planning, both in Europe and globally, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing Earthquake Early Warning (EEW), Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF), and Rapid Response to Earthquake (RRE) systems (from a sociological, political, and economic perspective) and to develop an over-arching theory that links EEW/OEF/RRE systems to improved community resilience to earthquakes through the use of the TURNkey platform.
  • Establish a common understanding of how each stakeholder group (citizens, emergency responders, critical infrastructure (CI) providers and public/private sector businesses) will use EEW/OEF/RRE to better prepare for, and recover from, an earthquake.
  • Develop a series of end-user use-cases that specify the practical/operational requirements that each stakeholder group has of the TURNkey platform and produce design specifications (operational, socioeconomic, etc.) to guide the development and testing of the new EEW/OEF/RRE tools and the TURNkey platform (WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6).
  • Establish common working practices and protocols to ensure that the multi-disciplinary activities undertaken during the project are directly replicable in Europe, even at the end of the project. Specifically with the aim to: (i) develop a lexicon/glossary of common terminology that will be used throughout TURNkey; (ii) establish, in association with WP2 and WP6, common criteria for the identification, selection, design and analysis of the TURNkey platform in the testbeds (TBs); (iii) develop procedures for sharing data and outputs between WPs, including standard protocols for the integration of outputs between WPs; (iv) develop a common understanding of the potential routes to impact, including developing business case models and a set of common protocols for WP outputs that ensure that they support these routes to impact.
  • Through the above, WP1 acts as a ‘proxy client’ in all other WPs ensuring that the use-cases are reflected in the design of the TURNkey platform.


Task 1.1: Sociological SWOT analysis of current EEW/OEF/RRE systems and their application to DRR planning for improved community resilience to earthquake events (Task Lead: ARU) (M1–M6)

Task 1.2: Literature review on EEWS and OEF communication strategies (Task Lead: EMSC) (M1 –M5)

Task 1.3: Identify stakeholder’s requirements (Task Lead: NTC) (M1 -M9)

Task 1.4: Develop business/CI use-case scenarios (Task Lead: ARU) (M1-M9)

Task 1.5: Develop a common understanding amongst the TURNkey partners of the use-case scenarios and routes to impact of the EEW/OEF/RRE tools and TURNkey platform (Task Lead: ARU) (M5-M12)


D1.1: Literature review on EEWS and OEF communication strategies (Lead Beneficiary: EMSC) (M5)

D1.2: State-of-the-art review of current EEW/OEF/RRE systems and their application to DRR planning for improved community resilience to earthquake events (Lead Beneficiary: ARU) (M6)

D1.3: Needs and expectations of citizens and first responders for the initial development of the TURNkey solutions and user-case scenarios (Lead Beneficiary: NTC) (M9)

D1.4: A report on business centric use-case scenarios for CI and local business stakeholder groups (Lead Beneficiary: ARU) (M9)

D1.5: Report on research protocols for the development of the EEW/OEF/RRE tools and models and TURNkey platform (Lead Beneficiary: ARU) (M10)

D1.6: Report on the potential routes to impact for the TURNkey platform (Lead Beneficiary: ARU) (M12)

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