ESC 2021 Conference: TURNkey and RISE together in a session addressing OEF and EEW
The 21st of September 2021 was the day of the joint session of the TURNkey project and the RISE (Real-time earthquake rIsk reduction for a resilient Europe) project at the ESC 2021 Conference (37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission). Finally! Postponed by one year and still online (instead of Corfu), it was a rich session with interesting talks addressing OEF (Operational Earthing Forecasting) and EEW (Earthquake Early Warning). Talks were mainly carried out by researchers from TURNkey and RISE, although a number of researchers from outside the project also contributed to the session.
More than fifty people attended each talk, thus allowing the results of the two European projects to be shared with the scientific community. In addition, the conveners of the session were from RISE and TURNkey: by discussing and linking the results presented, once again they highlighted a great synergy between the two projects.
The next (and last) big conference for TURNkey will be the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) in September 2022.