General Assembly 2021
On the 19th of November, all of the TURNkey partners met for the last time in 2021 for an online General Assembly. This half day meeting was organized in three parts. First, partners ARU and NTC presented the final set of use cases for first responders, civil protection, businesses and critical infrastructures and asked partners for final inputs and feedback. These use cases reflect the functionalities that will be included in the final version of the TURNkey platform (due at the end of January 2022) that will then be taken to the field in the form of a virtual demonstrator to be tested with actual stakeholders in PAR cycle 3 (the last cycle of end user research) in February/March 2022. The second part was focused on the description of this demonstration tool that will use a case study based on a real Testbed of the project and synthetic earthquake data for simulation purposes. Finally, with six months left in the project it was also time to give some general project and administrative updates to the Consortium ahead of the Final Reporting Period!