TURNkey Consortium Meeting
On the 22nd of September 2020, a Consortium meeting was organized by NORSAR (Project Coordinator of TURNkey) to prepare the important upcoming deadline of the end of the 1st Reporting Period (November 2020), marking the half of the project. A first version of the TURNkey platform, one of the main objectives of the project, has to be ready by then. The different technical WPs have now started producing algorithms and models that need to be incorporated in the platform. The meeting was therefore focused on the status and definition of this first version, as well as the vision for the 2nd version planned for May 2021 and the Final version planned for January 2022. A detailed description of the functionalities and algorithms composing the scientific engines of the platform was discussed with the partners and a mock-up of the Graphical User Interface was presented in an interactive way.