TURNkey Second Consortium Meeting
A physical gathering was still not possible for this year’s annual meeting of the TURNkey project (unfortunately!) but the motivation of all partners was not affected as more than 60 people joined the full day meeting. In addition to the members of the Consortium, members from the Scientific Advisory Board from Japan and USA (who woke up very early or stayed up very late!) joined to hear the latest news and developments of TURNkey. The meeting organized on the 16th of June 2021 was mainly intended to showcase the version 2.0 of the TURNkey platform with a live demonstration of the platform running a simulated event. Besides, the results of the new round of interviews with stakeholders in the Testbeds (PAR cycle 2) were presented and discussed with all partners. Presentations from outside of TURNkey were also on the agenda with speakers from the RISE (Real-time earthquake rIsk reduction for a resilient Europe) project and the SensEQuake project giving enlightening talks about the scientific work performed in their respective projects. Finally, an innovative approach was tested to share the main published results of TURNkey in a fast and efficient way: a pitch session was organized where authors were only allowed 90s to present a single slide summarizing their publication. And it was a very nice experience, both for the audience and for the presenters! Those who were not exhausted by all the presentations joined for a more relaxed “social gathering” to conclude the day with games and lighter discussions.