Twelfth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The twelfth newsletter was delivered on May 27, 2022. It was the last newsletter of the TURNkey project, which ended on May 31, 2022, after three years of successful collaborations, activities, and achievements. This newsletter provided a brief description of:

  • The final TURNkey meeting, held in Orihuela at the end of April 2022;
  • The TURNkey platform, the main product of the project;
  • All dissemination activities undertaken during the three years of the project.


To read the twelfth newsletter, click here.

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Eleventh TURNkey Project Newsletter

The eleventh newsletter was delivered on the 18th of March 2022 and focused on sensors, i.e. their deployment in the TURNkey testbeds and their operation. It also provided general information about the final TURNkey meeting in Orihuela (province of Alicante, Spain) on April 25-28, 2022, and about the GeoSense Cluster, in which TURNkey participated together with CRISIS, METIS, REDACt. To read this newsletter, click here.

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Tenth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The tenth newsletter was delivered on the 31st of January 2022 and deals with the results achieved in Work Packages 4 and 5, both completed in autumn 2021. To read this newsletter, please click here.

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Ninth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The ninth newsletter was delivered on the 21st of October 2021. Topics covered included the ESC2021 Conference (37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 19 to 24 September 2021) and the start of Service1 – Module B (Helping projects from the portfolio to design and execute a portfolio dissemination plan) of Horizon Result Booster.

In addition to the above, two interesting outcomes on RRE (Rapid Response to Earthquake) and EEW (Earthquake Early Warning) were also presented in the newsletter, resulting from the activities carried out in WP4 (Physical and systemic vulnerability estimation for rapid loss prediction updating) and WP5 (Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for real-time (OEF and EEW) and near real-time (RRE) disaster prevention and risk communication) respectively.

To read the ninth newsletter, please click here.

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Eighth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The eighth newsletter was delivered on 8 July 2021. Topics covered included the end of Service1 – Module A: Identifying and creating the portfolio of R&I project results of Horizon Result Booster and the Second Consortium Meeting of TURNkey held online on 16 June 2021.

In addition to the above, Nutcracker Research Ltd. (NTC) summarised the activity carried out in three TURNkey testbeds within the second cycle of Participatory Action Research (PAR cycle 2) and Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) described an alternative method used during one of their meetings to collect feedback from people.

To read the eighth newsletter, please click here.

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Seventh TURNkey Project Newsletter

The seventh newsletter was released the 18th of May 2021. The topics covered in it are:

  • Feedback from the European Commission following the submission of the Periodic Report and the mid-term review meeting;
  • Updates on Horizon Result Booster;
  • The FWCR (Forecasting – Early Warning – Consequence Prediction – Response) TURNkey platform;
  • The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the FWCR TURNkey platform and the TURNkey mobile app.


To read the seventh newsletter, please click here.

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Sixth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The sixth newsletter was delivered on the 2nd of February 2021. In addition to the news concerning the TURNkey dissemination, the newsletter contains the contributions from EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center) and BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières).
The contributions from EMSC is a result of the collaboration between TURNkey and RISE (Real-time earthquake rIsk reduction for a reSilient Europe). RISE is a European project that has been funded under the same H2020 call of TURNkey. The projects share the same final objective, which is to reduce future human and economic losses caused by earthquakes in Europe.

To read the sixth newsletter, please click here.

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Fifth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The fifth newsletter was delivered on the 6th of November. It summarized some scientific articles, recently published by:


  • University of Strathclyde (UStr);
  • University College of London (UCL);
  • University of Bergamo (UNIBG);
  • Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC).


The articles mainly concern Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF) and Earthquake Early Warning (EEW).
To read the fifth newsletter, please click here.

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Fourth TURNkey Project Newsletter

The fourth newsletter of TURNkey was delivered on the 6th of July. Among the various topics, the newsletter disseminated the final outcomes from the Work Package 1 (Socio-economic impact analysis among the end-users group), which ended in May.
Despite the restrictions and the difficulties due to the COVID-19 outbreak all over the world, TURNkey is well on track. As reported in the newsletter, only some delays are expected in those activities that require travelling and interaction among people, as for example the field-deployments of stations in the various TBs of TURNkey. To read about these topics and more, please click here.

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Third TURNkey Project Newsletter

The third TURNkey newsletter was delivered on the 3rd of April, 2020. It defined the testbeds and briefly explained why they have been selected for research. The newsletter further presented the first outcomes of WP1 (Socio-Economic Impact Analysis Among the End-Users Group) as well as the dissemination actions that have been and will be undertaken.

=> To see the third newsletter of TURNkey, please click here.

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